Finding Direction
Have you ever felt totally lost, confused, completely swamped, or in a dense fog, wandering how in the world you got there, much less how in the world you are ever going to see clearly again? To be honest, most folks at one point or another, if they live long enough, would have to say the same thing. You are NOT alone! Finding direction can definitely seem insurmountable.
Confusion is caused by a whole host of different things, and based on your temperament style, biochemistry, environmental/life stressors (inside and/or outside), you are probably a great candidate for some life coaching, even if it’s for just a brief amount of time. We in good ole USA are so used to going it alone and being quite driven to just handle things ourselves. The problem is that we were NEVER created to live like that.
Trust can be a funny thing
Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, you are designed to need people, even if it’s just one person. Of course there in lies the problem right? “Okay Dr Carney, now you’re talking about having to trust. Well, I don’t think so,” you might say. Yep, some folks are totally okay with the trusting bit, others, well, not so much.
When it comes to seeing through the fog of life, sometimes it simply takes what we call objective awareness. That means we get close enough to another person, hopefully discerning and knowledgeable, who can be genuinely empathetic and come alongside us deeply enough to join with us and escort us out patiently and encouragingly. Sometimes that’s a trusted friend, colleague, or family member, or sometimes we could benefit from a trained life coach. If you are needing a personal lighthouse to help get you through a tough patch, please give us a call. Let us help you break free from the confusion and possible oppressive lostness. Believe it or not, whether it’s depression, anxiety, aloneness, or simply stuckness in a particular situation, that is absolutely what professional life coaching is all about. Maybe it’s time to trust in a whole new way!